I initially brainstormed different ideas on a blank Microsoft Word document as preparation for organization. After brainstorming my ideas I opened up a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel in order to organize the information from Microsoft Word into a clear and concise spreadsheet. I created tabs under excel to indicate the different variables that would be utilized within the process.
I believe that the system put in place for organization of the process was very helpful in terms of my learning style which is visual. Brainstorming the ideas on Microsoft Word allowed my creative side the opportunity to flow freely. I felt very comfortable and confident in the methodologies used throughout my process.
I believe that this process will help me as a visual learner, because often when I see things on paper its easier for me to come up with different ideas to make a project that much better. This is the process that I used during my undergraduate career, as well as my current position as an engineer for a myriad of projects.
Im sure that I will continue to utilize this process due to the past and current success that I have experienced. Although, I am open to trying more creative ways to organize my process and believe that there is always room for improvement when it comes to structure and organization.
Isn't it hard work to try to be organized and keep on top of things? GTD seems to offer some good ideas for being organized and more effective in GTD.